Do you want to help us create more
equality in health and social care?
Support us
Sammen med os i Social Sundhed kan du bidrage konkret til et sundhedsvæsen, hvor alle kan få hjælp og behandling – ikke mindst mennesker i sårbare og udsatte livspositioner. Du kan blandt andet støtte med din tid, eller ved at din kommune, virksomhed, fond eller organisation indgår i et partnerskab eller samarbejde med os. Du kan også støtte ved at donere et beløb til vores arbejde eller indgå i et erhvervssamarbejde med os. Din kommune, organisation eller virksomhed kan også booke et foredrag om udsathed i sundhed og om vores organisation.
Dit bidrag betyder konkret, at flere af Social Sundheds frivillige studerende fra de sundhedsfaglige uddannelser (brobyggere) kan ledsage flere mennesker til aftaler og behandlingsforløb hos fx lægen, tandlægen og i psykiatrien i en række byer. Vi kan også tilbyde flere af vores obligatoriske professionelle uddannelsesforløb til vores frivillige. Dermed får de teoretiske kompetencer og konkret erfaring med at møde mennesker i øjenhøjde, erfaringer som de tager med sig i deres fremtidige virke som sundhedsprofessionelle.
Become a member
Anyone can become a member of Social Sundhed, and it is completely free. As a member, you can participate and you also have the right to vote at the general assembly. We encourage everyone who collaborates with Social Sundhed to become a member and thus have an influence on the organisation's work. Read more here
Become Partner
Your municipality, organisation, company or foundation can enter into a partnership with us so that more people in Denmark can get the support, help and treatment they are entitled to and need. Read more about becoming a partner here
For the healthcare students - join us today
If you are a student currently in a health- or social-care related education, you can get a unique opportunity to practice your people skills. At Social Sundhed, you can test your competencies by becoming a volunteer. Read more here
Book a presentation
If your municipality, organisation or company wants to hear about vulnerability in health and how we in Social Sundhed work with volunteers to make a vital difference for vulnerable people, you can book a presentation by telephone; 2241 5914 or email;