User data and privacy

Social Sundhed - volunteers in the healthcare system

If you provide personal information to Social Health, we protect these data so you can feel safe. Here you can read about our privacy policy. We process personal data and comply with legislation and the principles of good data practices. We only process personal data for transparent and pragmatic purposes based on the organisation's legitimate interests. We only process personal data that is relevant and necessary to fulfil the stated goals, and we delete your data when it is no longer relevant – or if you ask us to do so.

Data accountable and contact information

The website is owned and published by:

Social Sundhed - volunteers in the healthcare system
N.J. Fjords Gade 2F
8000 Aarhus C

Data Protection accountable:

Social Sundhed
Telefonnr.: 91550636

Personal data processing

We process the following personal data

1. Member data:

General personal data: For example, contact information such as name, address, registration date,
phone number, date of birth.

2. Information about volunteers:

General personal data: For example, contact information such as addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, field of study and bank account number. Other information about positions of trust, tasks, association etc. in relation to the organisation and participation in supervision

3. Information about citizens:

General personal data: For example, contact information such as addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses, meeting place and meeting time.
Other information about contact persons or place of treatment.
Sensitive information: For example, health-related information, information about treatment, relevant information about special challenges related to contact with the health service or transport.

We collect information from:

We collect the information from you. In some cases, there may be other sources, for example:

Contact persons or others who contact Social Health on your behalf.
Social media or other public channels.

The organisation's purpose for collecting your personal data:

We process your personal data for specific purposes when we have a legal reason (consent).

Legitimate reasons for processing information about you consist of:

A legitimate interest in processing your information as an organisation.
A necessity for us to fulfil an agreement with you
Consent for us to process your information

The purposes of processing information about the organisation's members are:

To process member information - including collecting membership fees and sending news letters
That we can run the organisation's activities, including planning, implementing and following up on agreements.
To be able to fulfil the agreement you have entered into with us.
To manage your relationship with the organisation.

The purposes of processing information about the organisation's volunteers are:

To coordinate and handle the tasks of volunteers in the association.
To have an overview of and enable the development of volunteers' experiences and skills, including offering
for example supervision, courses and competency development.
To be able to pay out transport or other possible expenses.
To manage your relationship with the organisation.

The purposes of processing information about citizens who use Social Health are:

That we can coordinate and handle the agreements we have with the citizens
Statistics and research


We only collect information based on expressed consent from you. We only process your personal data based on legitimate interests. When we obtain your consent, it is voluntary and you can withdraw it at any time by notifying us.

Disclosure of personal data.

We do not pass on information about you to third parties outside the organisation without your expressed consent.

Storage and removal of your personal data

We have different purposes for processing and storing depending on whether we process your personal data as a member of the organisation, as a volunteer, as a member or as a citizen:

Members: We delete information about you no later than 12 months after your membership has ended.
Volunteers: We delete information about you no later than 12 months after your voluntary work ends.
Citizen: We delete information about you no later than 12 months after the last contact.

We store information (anonymous) on both members, volunteers and citizens for statistics and the like, as long as they have relevant value.