For health and social care personnel
Ofte har mennesker, der har det svært med at være i kontakt med sundhedsvæsenet, også svært ved at kontakte Social Sundhed. Så hvis du er sundheds- eller socialfaglig medarbejder og har brug for at kontakte os på vegne af et menneske, som har brug for støtte, er du meget velkommen til at indhente samtykke hos borgeren og kontakte os.
Du kan finde nummeret på den relevante lokalafdeling here.
In Social Sundhed, we often need the professional's help to establish a trusting relationship between the individual who needs support and the volunteer healthcare students who accompany them to appointments and treatment courses in the healthcare system.
You are also always welcome to call us with questions about whether we can help with a challenge or problem faced by the individual you are calling on behalf of.
If your hospital department, administration or healthcare unit wants a presentation on how we collaboratively can contribute to improving equality in healthcare, we will be more than happy to come by and tell you about our offers, experiences and methods. Contact us for more information at